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About the Baltimore Board of Rabbis


Mission Statement

The Baltimore Board of Rabbis is a powerful moral and religious voice providing spiritual leadership for the Baltimore Jewish community. It is a forum for rabbis to confer about and to promote various aspects of communal issues, to facilitate cooperative programs among congregations and other organizations and agencies, and to serve as a Jewish educational and informational resource for the Greater Baltimore community. As an association for rabbis of all streams of Judaism, the Baltimore Board of Rabbis provides opportunities for rabbis to gather for collegial support. The Baltimore Board of Rabbis provides professional development resources for rabbis in their diverse settings.

Spiritual Leadership

Members of the Board of Rabbis are part of a powerful, moral and religious voice, providing spiritual leadership to the entire Baltimore Jewish community. The Board offers a forum for rabbis of all streams of Judaism to assemble and promote Klal Yisrael in the Baltimore community, across the country and around the world.


The organization works with area congregations and other Jewish organizations in the Baltimore community to champion issues on the communal agenda. In addition, the Board serves as a valuable Jewish educational resource for the greater Baltimore community. Members of the media, political, and ecclesiastical establishment turn to the Board for guidance in shaping policy, interpreting Middle East developments, and offering an authentic Jewish perspective about contemporary moral concerns.

Fostering Relationships. Promoting Unity

Membership in the Baltimore Board of Rabbis strengthens the collective rabbinic presence in the community, while enhancing individual opportunities for professional development.


Members are encouraged to:
- Sponsor students to the Introduction to Judaism course.
- Participate in the Yom Hashoah community program.
- Teach in the Adult Institute of Baltimore.
- Represent the Board in interfaith activities.
- Collaborate with area Boards and task forces.
- Interface with community organizations.
- Become involved with THE ASSOCIATED.
- Develop relationships with agency executives.
- Strengthen ties with colleagues of all movements.
- Serve as liaison to the media on contemporary affairs.
- Write position statements on public policy issues.

Professional Development

The Board of Rabbis offers its members many avenues for professional development. Whether serving a congregation, doing chaplaincy work, providing leadership in a Jewish organizational context, or teaching, the Board provides members with speaking and teaching opportunities across the community. In addition, the Board frequently receives requests for rabbinic voices to serve on area Boards, or add Jewish perspectives to panel programs, as well as in print and electronic media.


The activities of the Board create a focused and effective opportunity for collegial support. Members engage in Torah lishmah year-round at monthly programs as they develop relationships with colleagues from all of Judaism’s religious streams. The Yom Iyyun Annual Retreat in June affords members the opportunity for fellowship and learning, while the annual Summer Social brings families together for an evening of fun, food and friendship.


Baltimore Board of Rabbis Officers



Rabbi John Franken


1st Vice-President:

Rabbi Rabbi Craig Axler



Rabbi Deborah Wechsler



Rabbi Dana Saroken


See Full Membership Roster >>